Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Migration to Visual Studio

Through my employment, I've become quite comfortable using Microsoft Visual Studio.  There are times when the intellisense completely fails, but for the most part it's more than sufficient.  The feature I really rely on, though, is the debugger.

The Qt Creator IDE has debugging functionality, but I didn't find it anywhere near as intuitive as Visual Studio's.  After developing with Creator for a while, I got frustrated enough to try to return to my comfort zone.  I don't intend to go out of my way to make this thing multi-platform, so I wasn't too concerned about  compiler differences, etc.

I did a quick search for "qt in visual studio" and came across (I believe) these step-by-step explanations.  Between the two, I was able to get Qt building for Visual Studio.  As mentioned in both how-to's, it took quite a while, so have a good book on hand if you give it a try.

I'm afraid that, writing this in retrospect, I'm entirely too unclear on the details to be very helpful.  Perhaps the next time I re-install Windows, I'll pay better attention.  I'm sure there were other settings and options I had to tweak in order to import the Qt project into Visual Studio, but I don't remember how that worked.

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