Saturday, January 16, 2010

Need More Maths

I've added an agent to the maze--for now, a simple white arrow.  Its intention is to point in the direction that a more complicated model would be facing (i.e. going "forward" will put a force on the agent in the arrow's direction).  I've mapped keys for moving forward and backward, and rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise (in the x/y plane).

It's a simple enough matter to use OpenGL to display a rotated arrow.  So far, the rendering sequence is:
  1. Translate the scene according to the camera position.
  2. Draw the maze in its own coordinate space.
  3. Translate the scene according to the agent position.
  4. Rotate the scene according to the agent rotation.
  5. Draw the agent in its own coordinate space.
So far, I have not been able to determine a standard way in OpenGL to determine the vector resulting from a rotation.  It appears I will have to implement my own rotation functionality, which means adding a matrix class (with all the appropriate bells and whistles).  With as much math as I'm re-implementing, I'm sure it would be easier to find and use someone else's math library.  I'm taking it as a personal challenge, however, to really understand what I'm doing--and that means I have to understand the math I'm using.  I have found that there's no better way to understand a concept than to implement it.

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